Sunday, November 15, 2015

Loving Licks and Playful Paws

This past Saturday at Wolf Run was a day dedicated to making the residents feel loved.

 First, we fed the wolves. Luckily, we didn't have to handle any raw meat since they had meat on Friday, so we just had to feel them kibble. While doing this we met Sage for the first time. She was slightly afraid of us and shivering from the cold because she had been shaved due to an immense amount of burrs embedded in her fur. Slowly, though, she came up to us and let us rub on her for a little bit. After we fed Sage, we helped Kara, one of the lead volunteers, by gathering the food for the wolves we couldn't feed ourselves. 

After the feeding was over, we got to go into Nibbles and Meeshka's enclosure for the first time. Meeshka is a higher content wolf-hybrid, so she stayed away from us, but Nibbles is the complete opposite. Nibbles, who is part great German Shepard and part wolf, is very affectionate and friendly, not to mention enormous. 

The beautiful Ms. Meeshka
Nibbles, featuring Celia and Mikayla

After vising with Nibbles for a while, we visited with our pals Nayelli, Aries, and Jericho. We also got to see how Halo was doing and he even let Kara pet him without her having to chase him down! It was amazing to see, even though it seems small, it is a step in the right direction for Halo and his trust for people.

Lastly, I got into the enclosure with Razz, who was a little too playful for some of the volunteers, but Kenzie and I absolutely loved the enthusiasm. We were jumped on and licked and almost knocked to the ground more than once, but it was tons of fun. And we know Razz had a good time, too.

Saturday was a great day filled with mud on our clothes, paw prints on our legs, and puppy kisses on our cheeks. Oh, and an awfully cute baby deer, too.

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